
A/B Testing - A research technique for testing two varying website or app design solutions to see which performs better results. Typically, one would compare the current version (“control” or “A”) against a proposed solution (“variant” or “B”).

A/B/n Test - Similar to an A/B test but with more than two versions of a web page or app being tested again one another. The “n” stands for the “nth” version, because there is no set number of how many test variants that can be tested in this method.

Analytics - Evaluating data collected from user experience testing across web pages and mobile sites.

B2B - Refers to transaction occurring between businesses for goods and services, rather between businesses and consumers. Also known as business to business, B to B, and occasionally ebiz when referring to e-commerce.

B2C - Refers to businesses selling goods and services to consumers who are the end users. The term means business to consumers or B to C.

Bounce Rate - A percentage of users that enter a site and then leaves without any further engagements. Used to measure the engagement effectiveness of the website.

Call-to-Action (CTA) - A marketing term used to describe prompting the consumer to take the next step resulting in an immediate purchase. Generally refers to terms and phrases such as “Buy Now” that are used as a sales script or advertisement.

Category Listing Page (CLP) - A visual filter where product options are segmented into sub-categories (Example: Mens, Womens, Kids, etc.). The CLP does not showcase any products, but is a visual list that assists the user in product search. Typically a CLP will include filters to assign a visitor in narrowing her options.

Click Tracking - A method used to track how visitors navigate a website, and shows interactions with certain elements such as buttons, videos, external links, etc. Some click tracking products offer summary heatmaps and video replay of individual visitor sessions.

Conversion - A general term for a visitor completing a site goal. Site goals can be many things like completing a visitor completing a purchase or signing up for an event.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) - A constant process of improving the quantity of website users that are converted from passive browsers to consumers.

Digital Experience Optimization (DXO) - A continuous approach to discovering weaknesses on digital platforms, researching improvement options, and implementing changes to enhance tangible profits.

e-Commerce - Short for “electronic commerce”, it is the buying and selling of goods and services online or over the phone.

Experience Optimization (EXO) - The continuous process of discovering the best customer experience through research, experimentation, and data analysis.

Heatmap (click heatmap) - A color coded visual representation of how users physically engage with the web content by click (via mouse) or touch (via touch screen).

Hero Image - The dominant visual image on a website’s homepage or landing page. The goal of a Hero Image is to build credibility and trust with the consumer. Sometimes known as a Hero Header, depending on size.

Idea Scoring - A quantitatively method of measuring ideas by assigning a numerical value to the benefits and pain points it may produce when implemented.

Interstitial - Pop-ups within a webpage that cover a portion of the content. They generally advertise a product, discount, or membership.

Product Detail Page (PDP) - A web page of a single product that goes into depth about the product details, displays multiple images of the product, sometimes includes a video of the product.

Product Listing Page (PLP) - A web page that lists the products provided by the company. Generally each listing displays a preview image of the product, the product name, and price.

Multi-variant Test (MVT) - A methodology to test multiple hypotheses at the same time to determine which combination of variables produces the best results.

Order Management System (OMS) - A tracking tool used to measure the number of sales, orders, and inventory. It also helps communicate necessary product information between employees executing distribution.

Order Conversion Rate (OCR) - A statistic measured by taking the number of orders placed during a specific time period divided by the number of visitors in the same time period.

Qualitative Research - Collecting non numerical data that can be observed and recorded, generally via categories. Also known as categorical data.

Quantitative Research - A numerical method of collecting data for the purpose of analysis and statistics.

Test Backlog - A list of defined tasks that are waiting to be performed, in order of priority, to achieve an overarching strategic plan.

Test Roadmap - A blueprint that defines goals and calculates major milestones needed to achieve the desired results. Generally a high-level document designed as a communication tool to express strategy.

Split Test - The method of testing two web pages: the control page against a visually re-designed page. Split test and an AB test can be used interchangeably.

Usability Testing - Evaluating a product by testing it with representative users for the purpose of identifying usability problems and measuring user satisfaction.

User Journey Map - A visual diagram that shows the path a user takes when navigating through a website or mobile app. It is a tool used to identify key touch points that influence consumer interaction.