Learn how to improve your website’s User Experience.

Improving your website User Experience is crucial if you want to increase conversion. Our Founder and CEO, AJ Davis, walks Adama, the host, through an audit of her website, giving tips and suggestions to improve her website’s User Experience.
Questions AJ answered:
- What is user experience and why is it so important?
- What is the first thing to consider to have a user-friendly website?
- What tools do you need to make your website user-friendly?
- Are there platforms that she recommends to build a website?
- What are the tools that one can use today to improve their user experience?
- What are the principles of a good experience for websites?
- How AJ works with businesses (processes and services)?
Adama 0:05
Hello, and welcome to her online business podcast, the podcast for aspiring and experienced female web entrepreneurs. I am your host. And here you will find marketing tips for building your online business. interviews from inspiring female entrepreneurs from all over the world listens and mistakes from my experience in entrepreneurship, and much more. I am passionate about helping other women live their dream life thanks to an online business that matches their passion and serves their purpose. So let’s hang out, have fun and grow together.
Hi, and welcome to our first and last episode of our series regarding conversion optimization for your website with AJ Davis. In the first episode, we talked about conversion rate optimization, and a B testing and how you can start implementing that on your website. In the second episode, he walked us through the different metrics that you can use within Google Analytics to collect and analyze your website data. Today, we are going to talk about the overall user experience and what every website needs to be user friendly. So first of all, we need to understand what is user experience also called UX. So hi, AJ, can you tell us in simple words, what is user experience for you? And why is it so important? Thanks so much for having me again. So user experience is the process that we use to create meaningful and relevant experiences for our customers or for our users. It’s any aspects of an interaction with a company, whether it’s its services, products, or its website. So this can include things like the branding of the company, the usability of these different services and products, function, service design and product design. And why does this matter, it helps businesses fulfill their users needs, it helps them really provide something in the market, that’s really going to be a positive experience for people. And it’s going to help move people from visitor to customer to loyal customer. On the flip side, if you create negative user experiences, it really pushes people away along each of the steps and phases.
AJ Davis 2:35
So today, we’ll focus just talking about user experience of your business website.
Adama 2:41
Alright, so now that we know what user experience is what is, according to us, the first thing that should be considered to have a user friendly website,
AJ Davis 2:50
there are two things that are really essential that a lot of businesses forget to think about. So one is the fast loading times, you want to make sure that your website doesn’t take too long to load, people have limited attention, they might be on the go, you want to make sure that your website loads, so they don’t get distracted and move on to something else. And you also want to make sure to optimize for mobile, particularly if you’re getting a substantial amount of visitors from mobile. So I look at a lot of websites where people build them on desktop, and they’re thinking about them from their own perspective, looking at the designing tools within desktop. And then when we open up on mobile, they’re surprised. And they’re like, Oh, I didn’t realize that looks like that on mobile, right? That elements not there on mobile. So a lot of the time, we recommend designing for mobile first, if you don’t design for mobile, First, make sure to review your mobile website on a regular basis.
Adama 3:39
Yeah. And that’s something I also see often. So even if you don’t have the tools, maybe to build your website on mobile first, you can always as you said, just check it before donkey needs or launching a new page. Just check it on your phone, or even on your tablet to make sure that everything is nicely put together. And if not, you can always come back to your cPanel for the poll on your website, and then we adjust everything. So that’s an important point that you made. And so regarding, you know, having user friendly website, do you have tips on the tools that we can use in order to make sure that everything is going smoothly with the website?
AJ Davis 4:22
Yeah, to address the two things we just talked about, you can use this tool called PageSpeed Insights, which is provided by Google, Google PageSpeed Insights is a chance to run your website, desktop and mobile. And you can look at specific pages to understand how long it takes for it to load. They were really simple scale for low score your website from zero to 100. And you want to be closer to that 100 score. for mobile. There’s two tools that I recommend. So one is an automated tool called the Google mobile friendly test, which we’ll link to in the show notes. And this will give you some specific feedback about how to structure a website and things that might be slowing down your site to solve for the problem. Now we’re often on desktop when we’re building our websites, and we want to make sure we can quickly check it, you can go on your phone and look at it, but you are only looking at one device type. And it is good to look at websites on different types of mobile devices, because your page might respond if it’s a smaller screen, or if it’s mobile, Android, or if it’s apple. So in order to just get a sense of what those look like, there’s a tool called an emulator, which makes the website look as though it is on mobile through your desktop browser. So to get to that, you go to your website, you right click on the page, and then you can click on the word inspect.
And this is going to open up a console with a bunch of code and you can ignore that. But in the top right corner, you’ll see there’s a arrow that says select an element, we’re not using not the same thing to the right of that, if you hover over it says toggle device toolbar. And this has a little image of a phone and a tablet. So it’s to remind you, that’s how you shift over there. If you click on this, it will actually give you what the website looks like on specific devices, there’s a drop down, you can look at it on a pixel to excel, you can look at it on an iPad, you can look at it on a responsive screen. So it gives you a really easy quick tool to see what your website looks like on mobile without having to leave your computer. That’s a great tip and a great tool that you give us because yeah, I also didn’t know about that. And that’s something you can do for free. And you don’t have to be a web developer to be able to do that. So that’s great. Thank you for that. And so regarding the website itself, there are plenty of website builders and platforms available out there for people who want to build their website themselves, because they don’t have the money to invest into a web designer. So do you have any platforms that you recommend for people who want to build their own website and don’t have, you know, to tackle coding skills? Yeah, there are so many tools out there, which is great. So what I recommend is to choose your platform based on what your business is offering and what your customer needs. So if you’re an e commerce business, you really should build from an e commerce platform, that’s going to give you a lot of back end tools be able to track her and then Tori and your shipments to do messaging to your customers. And so tools like Shopify or big commerce are great platforms for that and include tons of functionality. If you are not an e commerce site, you can build a much simpler web page. There’s tools like Wix, Squarespace WordPress that will offer specific templates that you can just type your content into change the fonts, change the colors, and then it’s now your website. And it’s more on brand. So those are great starting places for businesses who want to just get their information out there on the low cost. And but maybe more development, heavy end tools, like GitHub will allow you to host one URL or one domain for free. So if you have some technical skills, and you just want to get a site up, you could use something like GitHub to get a site up and running really fast.
But the most important thing to think about for your platform is that it’s serving your customer needs, it will have what you need in the medium and long term. And that the platform itself, or the template that you use isn’t adding a lot of weight to the page. And what I mean by that is, it’s not really slowing down the page speed. And so you want it to be something that can still be fast, and also easy for you to use an update.
Adama 8:22
Right. And so what is really important is that you said that we should choose our platforms according to our needs and what our customers will expect to find on our website. So also think long term when you choose your website platform, because you don’t want to choose something maybe that is easy to use, but you will have to switch maybe three or six months from now because your needs are evolved. And you realize that they are some features that are not available on your platform, but that you actually really need for your business. So it’s better to take your time before you invest into such a tool. Because your website is literally like your online boutique, you know, so important that you take your time and that you do your benchmark, and that you specifically like what you need to have on your website before making your choice.
AJ Davis 9:13
Yeah, I think it’s really easy to look at the templates and get excited about them and not be critical of what they don’t offer. So sometimes we’ll talk to companies or store owners who just say my template can’t support that. And it’s a really obvious basic thing that we think it should be able to support. And so I think there’s a couple of approaches you can take, you can write down that customer journey and say these are all the things my customers are going to need from my website. And then make sure that that template will be able to support that easily. Or that you can adapt the template easily to be able to support those things. And then there may be also some functionality, things that you want to make sure to have. Like I mentioned, if you are an e commerce store, you may want to be able to send an email if someone abandons cart, and so making sure that the ecosystem that you’re setting up For your website, we’ll be able to have those tools available for you. But on the flip side, you don’t need all the bells and whistles. So if you’re just building a website for lead generation, you don’t need to have all the e commerce functionality. You’re not an e commerce business. So I would encourage folks to really sit down and think about what they do need, and then find the template and the platform based on those needs, as opposed to getting really excited about the way something looks, or seems to function without that list alongside.
Adama 10:29
Yes, true. And an important keyword that you mentioned, is customer journey. And that is basically what will define how you will build your website and the different pages and the different content that your viewers will be able to see on your website. So can you tell us what is customer journey? Exactly.
AJ Davis 10:51
So a customer journey is a very simple understanding of what are all the different steps along the path from getting to know what your business does to becoming a customer. So for businesses that might include where do people first hear about me, do they find out about me on social media or through an ad or at a conference, and then once you get to the awareness stage, there’s going to be things that they’re thinking about, and there’s going to be things that they’re not yet aware of. So they may not realize they have the pain point. And so you might have to speak to that, at some point, they’ll know they have it. And so then you have to speak to how you solve it. And so it helps you understand what types of content you put in front of them what kind of pages they need, and what kind of actions are ready to take. And so you can take that and you can get really granular on your website, and you can think about Okay, so for when customers are in the stage of looking at my site and getting familiar with my business, what are the first things they need to know. And that might be something the homepage will tell them. You may also be linking them to specific blog posts. So you’ll want to think about the journey from a blog post back to your homepage or your contact form. And effectively, what you want to do is map out all those steps along the way. So in the ideal scenario, how does somebody get to know the information they need, so that they ultimately become a customer and then an advocate for your business?
Adama 12:10
Thanks falsies definition of customer journey, AJ. And so basically issue, never heard about that. Just think about you yourself. When you go to a physical shop as a customer, you are also going through a customer journey. So you enter the shop, that’s your first contact.
AJ Davis 12:27
I love the analogy of thinking about the real world example. So I love the idea of you’re driving down the street in your town, and then you have seen an advertisement or you’ve seen the storefront, but you haven’t gone in yet. And then one day you decide to go in Well, what’s what’s your mindset, what finally causes you to go in? And that’s the same type of thing? Why would someone go to your website? Okay, now they’re in your store. And it’s just like when they’re on your website. So I’ve never been to the store, I probably need to know what the store sells. So I might take a look around, I might want to talk to the person and understand, you know, why is this business here? How long have you been here? What are you trying to do in our community? And so thinking through what you experience in the physical world will help you translate that into a digital experience that really meets the human need of your visitors, as opposed to checking a bunch of boxes that you should have on your website?
Adama 13:23
Yes, you can always relate to the real world. That’s true. So what are the tools that we can use as a new online entrepreneur, to improve our overall user experience? Once we’ve collected the data, and we’ve seen maybe some things that we can improve? What can we use to do that,
AJ Davis 13:41
we went over a lot of great tools in the first episode of our three part series. So I would encourage any listeners who are at this stage to go back and listen to the first episode. But I’m going to talk about some new tools today that we didn’t cover in the first episode. There’s something called a usability study, what it lets you do is to get feedback about how usable your website is. And actually where we are in the world. Now, it’s so much easier to do this than it used to be. It used to be that you’d have to hire someone to find people who meet the criteria, and you schedule it weeks in advance, and it was very expensive. you’d meet them in person, and it would be a very expensive, time consuming ordeal. Now there are virtual tools that allow us to do remote unmoderated research, which means you don’t have to be there in real time with the participant. You don’t have to be talking to them or scheduling with them. They can do the study in their own time. So there’s some great tools out there. usertesting.com was one of the first ones to the market, but they’re more of an enterprise solution. For smaller businesses. There are tools like try my UI, or user field comm which allows you to get very similar feedback. And what you can do is you plug in your website, you set up some task for them to do so the task would be things like, hey, you’re curious about this website or your friend shared this website. You want to take a few minutes to look at it. To get familiar, remember to think aloud. And then you might have them take specific actions that represent what that customer journey is that we defined earlier. If you do four to five participants on your website, you’ll get a really good sense, you’ll get about 80% of the issues that exists on the site. Specifically, if you screen the participants to be in your target demographic, this is an excellent tool to go really deep, get really specific feedback about what’s going on, you’re not asking them what they like about the site. Or if they would do something, you’re actually asking them to do specific tasks, but your target customers would be doing in the real world. The second tool that I will mention again, I believe I did mention it in the first episode, but I just love it as a website analysis tool, because it’s so easy to get started with usability hub offers something called a five second test, which is a great way to get feedback on your branding your website, that first impression, you plug in your website URL, you paid the participants a small amount to take a quick look at the website, and then to answer one or two questions that you provide them. So you can make sure that people understand your brand message, what is this website all about? Where do I take an action? If you take those two tools, you’ll be well covered to understanding some of the opportunities for your website?
Adama 16:15
Yes. And as we said, you know, in the previous episode, when we talked about Google analytics and data collection, it’s all about doing some trials, then collecting the data, doing some analysis, and then trying to improve always taking the input of your URLs and not assuming what they will do once they go on your website. So always take their input, instead of just your attention. And so now, what are the key principles for you in order to have a good user experience on your website?
AJ Davis 16:47
So first and foremost, your website has to be really clear. So the three things that needs to be clear about very quickly, is what problem Am I solving? How am I solving it? What does this business do? And then why should I work with this business to solve that pain point, if you cover that you’re about 50%, or 80% of the way that x a lot of businesses fail to get that right. So we have to start there. Once we have the basic messaging down about what we solve, how we solve it, and why we are the ones to solve it for you. There are several things that every website needs to do well. So one thing is called information architecture. And this is just basically the way that we structure the content on the site, so that it’s easy to move through and helps people naturally move through that customer journey. So another way to say this is you need to have a really simple navigation, people need to figure out and know what actions they can take on the website. And they need to understand what the navigation terms mean. And it needs to match their expectations when they get to that page. So an example of this is if it says contact me, you need to have a contact me form on that page, or you need to have an email address on that page. It can’t be your about page. So you just need to have very specific one to one mapping between what you’re calling something and then what people expect it to be. Another principle is to make sure your content is readable. This is the words themselves. So they’re in simple language. If you think about how newspapers write content for I think, I believe it’s like eighth grade reading level, and you want to be in that same ballpark, you want to make sure that generally people can read it, it doesn’t have a lot of jargon, it’s something that people can understand and get into. And it doesn’t feel like a lot of work to understand what the website’s about. And then visually, you want to do two things, you want to make sure that the font styling and size is readable. A lot of websites, font sizes too small. And then you also want to make sure there’s enough visual contrast and the colors between the words and a background color. Sometimes websites will have words on top of images, and it makes it really hard to see it if the words are white in the background images gray. So what you want to do is go for those extremes, you want to go for a white text and a black background, or like a light yellow and a dark blue. So think about things that are on far ends of the color spectrum so that you can really pop and see those words clearly when there’s a background image. A third principle is make sure they’re easy to find calls to action across the website, there should be a call to action above the fold when somebody comes to your homepage or any of your landing pages. And then as introducing content on the site, you want to give people a way to engage further with that. If you introduce yourself on the homepage, make sure to link from that introduction, that simple sentence or two to your about page so people can read more information if that’s what they’re interested in. You want to make sure they have a clear idea of the action you ultimately want them to take, such as filling out a contact form or buying a specific product. And then the last principle I’ll share today, is that you want to make sure that the forms that you do have on your website, whether it’s the checkout forms or the contact forms, just make sure they’re very easy to use. They should have very clear messages about what fields are required. Which ones are not required. The should be very predictable and easy to understand. And you should also be transparent about how this information will ultimately be used, the best thing you can do is set expectations about what you need from customers and from visitors, what’s going to happen for them after they get that information to you. And then what happens after that. So think about anytime you collect information from customers, letting them know why you’re collecting it, and being really clear about why you’re doing it.
Adama 20:26
All right, thank you, AJ, for all these principles. And so in order for you to understand our ag works at Experiment Zone with our clients, and have also a real life example, we are going to take my website that I build myself, as you know, I’m not a web designer. So yes, it is gonna read you my website, so I’m not gonna lie to you. I’m a little bit anxious about that. But you know, I will also learn a lot from it. So here we go.
AJ Davis 20:56
And this is a feeling a lot of people have. And it’s so easy to say I made my website, I don’t need to look at again, there’s no reason to feel personally judged, or that our businesses judged, because every website always has opportunities. And so we’ll be looking at those opportunities together today. All right, as I’m over ready to go through your site. So I would love for you to give the audience an introduction about what the site is, and what you want people to do when they come to your site.
Adama 21:21
All right, so my website is Adama jello calm. And so it’s a website that I built for my digital marketing services. So what I want people to know about my website is that high hair, new female entrepreneurs, build their online businesses, even if they don’t have marketing or tech skills, and maybe are still working a nine to five job on the side. So when they come to my website, I want them to know about my background, what I’ve done previously, that led me into entrepreneurship, and how I can help them build their own businesses taking into account the stage we are in. So if it’s regarding setting their business goals regarding their own content, marketing strategies, or even building sales funnels, and then scaling their business to the next level. So yes, and they can access my services directly on my website and pay for them or decide to go for an online course and then register for one of my online courses, and then start implementing the strategies that I implement with my kids on their own, basically.
AJ Davis 22:31
And do you know if more of your visitors are coming on mobile or on desktop,
Adama 22:35
the majority is coming from mobile?
AJ Davis 22:38
Great. So I’m going to be using the emulator today, which we talked about earlier, if you’re following along at home, you can just open up the emulator and switch it over to the mobile version. One other question for you before we start going through the feedback? Do you know if most people are coming in through your homepage or through another page? I’m not sure
Adama 22:55
actually. Because sometimes I will advertise my podcast, for example, on my portfolio on social media. So people will directly link to my portfolio page or my podcast page. So yes, I actually didn’t go into the statistics to know on which page they launched first, when they come to my website.
AJ Davis 23:13
Now you know, your homework? Yes, like we talked about an episode to your landing and where they’re exiting. But look at your homepage, since that’s often a way that people will land on websites. So I’m looking first at the homepage on mobile. So what I see first is I see an opportunity to send some sort of guide, a guide around creating your professional website. And then I see a large image, which is your logo. And then I see some options for social media, as well as the navigation link. So the navigation is pretty far down the page on mobile. Typically, we want to have the navigation be the first or second element on the page. That’d be the first point of feedback I give is to get that a little bit higher up on the page. All right. I like that your logo has what you do in it because it answers one of those three questions that we talked about. What pain point does this website help me with? What does it do? And then why should I work with this business? The opportunity here would be to make that logo a bit smaller so that you can get more of the main content of the page above the fold. And what I mean by above the fold is so that before people scroll, they can get more information on that first impression. scrolling down the page, it says in the hero image Do you want to create a well and converting landing page without tech skills? Join our masterclass. I love that you have a clear call to action. There’s a clear button and the words that are on the action are actionable. So a lot of action. So join the masterclass or sign up for the masterclass. You don’t need to be fancy. When you think about copywriting for your buttons. You just want to be clear and you want to orient your customers and your visitors to take action. So that’s great. There’s a free giveaway gives people a clear thing that you want them to do. When they first get on the site, and then the next bit of content is around who you are and why you’re in business. So this is starting to get at that third question, why should people work with you, there’s an opportunity to state it more simply before people read the longer text about your background. So you might consider having two to four bullet points that just state a couple of the highlights that mean, these are, this is the person I should work with on my digital marketing strategy. And what I don’t see on here is the pain point, I do see the positive side, which is that people desire a landing page that they can build without tech skills. But that’s really more about the masterclass and what you do overall for businesses. So you might consider including a line of text or a visual that helps illustrate some of the struggles that your customers have. And then then you can state that you’re a digital marketing strategist, and then those three or four bullet points of why they should work with you. You have any questions just now, so
Adama 25:59
far, it’s pretty clear. I’m waiting for the rest of the analysts. But yeah, pretty clear. Thanks.
AJ Davis 26:06
There’s a lot of content on your homepage, which can be really useful just to lay it all out there for people. But one of the things that you might want to walk through is that customer journey. So there’s a lot of ways people can get engaged with you. But you may want to think about what’s the first way they get engaged with you? And then how does that lead to those other engagements? So based on your website, it looks like joining for a masterclass is the right way for people to first get started and start to learn about what it looks like to work with you and what what offer you have. And then after that, it looks like you can start signing up for very specific things like content marketing, technical support, lead generation, through the one on one consulting. I like that you have clear calls to action on getting started under each of those options. But there’s a lot of content here. And it might be better served to have a services page that has these details. And have a just an introduction on the homepage, which says see the different ways that you can work with me on your marketing. And then people can go to that other page to read the details and see the pricing. So that way, the homepage is really serving that purpose of Who am I what’s that first way of getting involved with you. And then you can direct them to other pages for that deeper dive. And next step. I love it, you have social proof. We haven’t talked about social proof today. But it’s a huge thing that can be very helpful for conversion. Social proof is the idea that there are other people who’ve worked with you, whether it’s to millennials, for e commerce companies, often it comes from an Instagram post or somebody wearing or using the product. Sometimes you’ll also be featured in podcasts, or you’ll be featured in a magazine. And being able to highlight that you’ve been featured by these other sources that may be more recognizable or help enforce who you are, is really nice to highlight early and pretty often on your site. So I like that you have the testimonials on here. What I noticed on the mobile site is that the ultimate guide signup stays with you the whole time, and does require for people to close out. Normally, that’s good, because normally you would want that to be present and available for people to take action. But it does take up a good portion of the screen takes up about a fourth of the screen. And so if you can make it shorter, that may be more beneficial. So it could be just a single line, a pencil banner, and then people could tap on it, and it would pop open the signup form as opposed to having that exposed on
Adama 28:29
AJ Davis 28:31
with mobile, we have limited screen space. So we have to be really careful that we’re not giving people too many options or potential distractions from that main message. Yes, that’s true. I love the simplicity of the language you have here. It’s very clear what each of these things are, I think that you’re on the verge of having too many options. So I wouldn’t add like five or six more things. But I think with what you have and what your business offers, this is a nice representation and a good layout so people can plug in. If they’re here to learn about the podcast, there’s a clear entry point to find that, if they’re here to get more information about you, they have an option to go go that path. The one change that I might make to your navigation is to highlight a specific action that you want people to take the most often. Okay, this might look like having a specific button shape for the action that you want people to draw their attention to. So the contact is usually that for businesses like yours, so you may have something contact me and get in touch. That’s a button so people with their eyes will be drawn to it. And they’ll be more likely to click on that then under menu option. And so I’m going to do that I’m going to go straight to your contact page, because that’s the final call to action. So when people come to your site, you want them to reach out and get in touch. I did notice that the guide pops back up when I load a new page. So I initially close it and now it’s back when I go to the next page. We’d like to give user stickiness so like if they’ve taken an action like closing something, we can give them a way to undo it but we do Don’t want to make them redo it over and over again. So you might consider turning that off. So if they are within the same session on the website, and they close out that sticky section at the top, they don’t see it again. But perhaps the next time they come to the site, they’ll see it again, it’s reminder. Yeah. And your contact page is great. It says send me a message, it also has an option for a free 20 minute strategic call, which is great, I would consider surfacing that scheduling option right on this page. So rather than having them come to this page, and then navigate to another page, you could put a scheduler right there. And then you could use that same bold header that says, send me a message. And you can have a similar styling and say, free 20 minute strategic call or schedule strategic call. And so people can see that they can either just reach out to you to get a conversation started, or they can schedule some time with you to get going.
Adama 30:52
AJ Davis 30:54
And reducing your logo size, we’ll make that easier to see that above the fold. Because right now, both of those options are below the fold for some mobile devices. And having those form fields exposed reassures people instantly that they’ve landed on the page that matters to them, and will prompt them to take action. So I think with that we covered a landing page and the action page on your site. Do you have any initial thoughts or questions about the feedback we talked about?
Adama 31:22
Well, that’s a great feedback. So there were a couple of things I already thought about. But it’s true that when you look at the mobile version of your website, you get into points that you didn’t think about earlier for them for the size of the logo, because you might find it very small on the large computer screen. But once you look at it on your phone, as you said, sometimes it’s like one fourth of the page. So that’s a lot. So it’s very interesting to really look at every kind of mobile devices that your us can use. And for me, it’s definitely mobile. So yeah, that was a very interesting point for me. And yeah, I have a lot of improvement. And I’m happy that I actually made some life choices. But yeah, the thing that I will keep in mind is that there is always room for improvement. So that’s great.
AJ Davis 32:14
Yeah, and, you know, it made me think of one thing that can be really helpful when you look at your Google Analytics. So it’s kind of scary or overwhelming thing is that there are so many different mobile devices are different ratios. There’s different sizes, there’s just so many, there’s so much variation in it. One of the ways to help focus your own exploration of your site. And to know what to check in on is to look at your analytics to see what are the top 10 devices. And for a lot of businesses, you can cover 90% of visitors with only five to 10 devices. So if you can cover most of your visitors and you understand that the website’s functioning well for them, that’s usually good enough for getting started. If you’re hearing or seeing issues with conversions on other devices that you don’t normally check, that’s another lens into it that you can use analytics to say, Okay, I need to take a step back, because I’m seeing my Safari users are having trouble with this one particular page. Analytics can empower you to be strategic about where to spend your time and time on your website optimization. It doesn’t have to be perfect for everybody, because it’s always changing. But it needs to be good enough for most
Adama 33:21
people. So yeah, that’s definitely something I will implement on my website. Okay, so he just did a spontaneous audit of my website. And she also does the same for free for businesses. So you can ask for an audit at Experiment zone.com slash audit. So AJ, can you tell us a little bit more about how you work and your different processes when you are working with a client regarding their website.
AJ Davis 33:50
A great starting place for working with us is that free one hour console will give you a chance to get very specific, actionable feedback about your website. To work with us and an ongoing basis, we have two levels of service. We have conversion deep dives where we take a look at your analytics. We’ll plan and execute user research, and we’ll do a UX review of your website. Then we’ll roll that all up into an executive summary which details the most important findings and recommendations for improving your conversion. Most companies will do this on a quarterly basis with us. For companies with enough traffic for a B testing we offer a B testing strategy and services. This includes an hypothesis library that builds from analytics, user research and UX walkthroughs. For the AB test, we’ll do the design development and analysis. We check in with our companies on a weekly basis to keep the team in the loop. We’ll manage every step of the process so we can really measure and validate what the impact was and how large it was. Businesses work with us on an ongoing basis. They depend on us to keep the lens on conversion and focus on optimizing customer support. grants so that their revenue can grow. So often we work with customers who are juggling a lot. And they check the box that they have a website, but they end up missing out on a lot of revenue and opportunities for their business to grow. By working with a partner like us, you get the opportunity to really make sure you’re not losing out on revenue.
Adama 35:21
Right, that’s a very complete and thorough process. So thanks ag for extending this, do not hesitate to contact her if you are interested in a one hour free audit of your website. And so with that, we’ve come to the end of our episode, and most importantly of our three part podcast series on website optimization conversion rate. It was a real pleasure having you, AJ, thanks a lot for your help.
AJ Davis 35:49
Thanks so much for having me.
Adama 35:51
Do you have one more tip that you want to share with our listeners,
AJ Davis 35:54
all of your audience with one tip, think about your customers. Write down what the journey is for them. And make sure your website presents a clear and easy path to move from visitor to customer. Thanks so much for having me. I really enjoyed talking with you.
Adama 36:08
You’re welcome. And thank you again. So we’ve that I hope that you really enjoyed the series. And I wish you a nice week I talked to you. That’s already the end of season. Thanks a lot for listening. I hope you enjoyed it. It should even give me a five star review on Apple podcasts or Google Play, Chef recipes official fans and comment to let me know that you like these kind of subjects. Also, if you want to hang out with me, follow me on Instagram at HD who watch more of my entrepreneurial journey and my services. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast to get notified when a new episode comes up. Until then, I wish you a nice day and I’ll talk to you soon. Take care Bye