Beginner & Advanced Classes

Train your team on conversion rate optimization, A/B testing, user research, and analytics. These classes are taught in-person or over Zoom for your choice of attendees.

Customized classes available upon request.

Introduction To Conversion Rate Optimization

This half day class is the perfect introduction to conversion rate optimization. We’ll teach your team:

  • What metrics to monitor to understand conversion
  • Techniques for uncovering opportunities to improve conversion rates
  • Walk through of the CRO Toolkit and how to get meaningful insights from this data

Introduction To A/B Testing

This half day class teaches everything you need to know to get started with browser side testing for A/B testing. We adapt the training for your specific testing tool. We will cover:

  • How to structure an A/B test hypothesis
  • Creating a test plan, so the whole team is aligned on what will be learned and how a test will be structures
  • How to monitor & make determinations that a test has collected enough data
  • The best way to analyze and present test results

Advanced Classes

We offer advanced classes in conversion rate optimization, A/B testing, user research, and data analytics.

Contact us for more information.

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Ready to get started?

Fill out the form with your contact information and any details you'd like to provide about your current challenges.

We'll be in touch to set up a time to discuss your goals and challenges.